Something for everyone

Something for everyone

Jill Robbins, from Surrey, joined the Holiday Property Bond in 1986 when the Bond was, if not in its infancy, still very much at toddler stage. A leap of faith, surely? 

“Not really,” she avers. “We had friends who had invested – and though the portfolio of holiday homes wasn’t anything like as substantial and wide-ranging as it is now, what properties there were were in places that we liked. Duloe Manor in Cornwall, for example. Great for golf – which I love; and just a stone’s throw from Looe, which has to be everyone’s idea of the perfect fishing village.”

While not quite in the vanguard of pioneering Bond investors, Jill got in early enough to be able to watch HPB grow and develop. “It’s been a fun ride,” she says. “And continues to be! Not all HPB sites are the same – though of course the same could be said of Bondholders; it’s a broad church. And not every site will have ‘across-the-board’ appeal (though I would argue that some, like La Gomera, actually do). But there is more than enough, in terms of both quantity and scope, to satisfy the most demanding holidaymaker. HPB has something for everyone.”

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